What is an Event Model?
Event management is the art and science of managing an event or gathering, with the aim to improve the overall efficiency of the event. How do we manage an event? There are many ways and tools available to help us manage an event, using different perspectives and methods. These tools can range from simple systems to very complex event management systems. A simple tool to manage an event would be an auto responder like an automatic welcome message when a new user enters an event or a simple form to collect user data like logins and email addresses.
(2) A simple function initiated by the human. An event-driven function is anything that is triggered by the human in an event. For instance, a user initiating an event would be a keystroke or mouse movement. An internal event triggered by software can be due to a myriad of factors from unexpected information from an input device, security camera detecting motion or other unforeseen data in the input. Once an event occurs it is called an occurrence, which is then tracked by an event handler or system.
(3) An event-driven function can be seen as a simple function that monitors the workflow of an event. An example of this would be a web analytics tool to see event flow in a website or an employee monitoring tool to see employee performance. These tools can be used for several purposes; for example an admin can use these tools to record login attempts and logins, user activity and page views. They can also be used to record user interaction with a web application like viewing a web page or a file, listening to user calls and so on.
(4) Event management has evolved over the years to the point where it is a highly complex event management process. Event handlers are now complex web applications capable of complex events or’snapshots’ of the user workflow. The event manager can update the screen with the latest information on the event and its occurrences in real time. This streamlines communications between the event handler and the rest of the business team.
Event handlers may communicate with event source code through events, web services, or XML packets. The event source code contains the logic required to run the event. Event handlers can also call other handlers or event handlers. In short, event handlers are responsible for communication with multiple event sources. There are many different event handlers on the market to choose from including web services, custom event handlers, Java servlets, event processing engines, desktop event processing and event recording tools.
There are two main areas of event management: service and event source. Service event models are web services or XML based which are not event driven. These are low-level services such as database integration, database access and other server processes. On the other hand, event source models are high level web services and are the backbone of most event-driven technologies including web notifications, SMS notifications, event catalogs, and advanced network events.