If you’re hosting an event, you need to know how to promote it to the right audience....
The word “festival” comes from several different words, including Latin and Middle English. Its roots can be...
In the medieval and Renaissance, tournaments were used as mock battles and chivalrous competitions. The name came...
A successful event starts with effective communication. The key to a successful event is making sure everyone...
The word festival is derived from the Latin festivus, from the medieval Latin festis, and from the...
The word tournament is used in sports, especially games that have many competitors. The word is used...
Before you even think about marketing your event, you need to establish exactly what the event is....
A festival is a communal celebration. These events often have specific purposes, such as honoring a god...
A tournament is an event in which a number of teams compete against one another. It was...
The first step in planning an event is to create a budget. You should take into account...