Event marketing should be multi-touch and multi-dimensional, which means creating multiple touch points to generate interest in...
A festival is a gathering that is celebrated by a community, and usually centers on an aspect...
A tournament is a type of competition that consists of a number of games that are played...
Events are a great way to create brand loyalty and increase client retention. They can be a...
A festival is an event celebrated by a community. It usually centers around some characteristic aspect of...
A tournament is a series of contests between a number of contestants. The winner of a tournament...
Event marketing can help you build brand loyalty and increase client retention. By providing a memorable experience,...
A festival is an event celebrated by a community that centers around a characteristic aspect of its...
A tournament is a sporting event in which a team or an individual participates in a series...
When planning an event, it is important to create a promotion timeline for the event to build...