An event is an occurrence that happens at some time in the past, present, or future. It...
A festival is a public celebration that can last for days. It can be cultural, like a...
A tournament is an organized competition where the winning team or individual receives a prize. A variety...
An event in a computing context is an occurrence of significance to hardware or software. Events can...
A festival is a special time of celebration, usually marked by feasting and ceremonies. It can be...
A tournament (sometimes referred to as a tourney or simply a tourny) is an event that is...
A festival is an event that takes place around a theme. It can be based on religion,...
An event is a gathering for the purpose of promoting, communicating or celebrating something. Events are often...
A tournament (colloquially, tourney) is a competition to produce an overall skill ranking of players by arranging...
An event is an occurrence that takes place, especially one of importance. Events include the birth of...