A festival is a special event that has religious origins and entwined cultural and social significance. The...
A tournament is a competition that includes many teams or individuals competing in a game or sport....
A computer event is an occurrence that can affect the operation of a program. Events can be...
A festival is a large public celebration that usually lasts for more than a day and centers...
A tournament is a competition in which a number of participants compete to win the final prize...
An event is a significant happening that marks a change in the state of an entity. It...
Festivals are a way of celebrating culture and having fun. They happen in all cultures, all over...
A tournament is an event where a group of people compete against each other in sports or...
Event is a discipline that looks at how events emerge, take shape, gain momentum and flow. It...
A festival is a special occasion of feasting and celebration. It is often a religious or cultural...