A tournament is a competition where competitors participate in a number of matches, with the winner determined...
An event is an occurrence that has some sort of significance, like your birthday party or a...
A festival is a period of celebration that typically lasts for a long time. It can be...
A tournament is a competition in which a number of competitors compete against each other to determine...
An event is an occurrence, usually of some significance. It can also refer to a social gathering,...
A festival is an event that is celebrated for a particular purpose or reason. It can be...
A tournament is a competition in which competitors compete against each other. It can take place in...
An event is a short, possibly extremely brief, period of time. It can be distinguished from a...
A festival is a celebration that lasts for a day or several days and usually revolves around...
A tournament is a competition where a large number of people take part in sports, games and...